Não conhecido detalhes sobre filosofia estóica

A partir de las conquistas de Alejando Magno, Grecia comenzó su mayor expansión cultural en la historia. Todo el ideal, los conocimientos y los valores griegos fueron dados a conocer en otras regiones y culturas totalemente variados.

“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” - Murakami

1 jeito que me ajudou a ganhar uma perspectiva melhor em saiba como me vejo e especialmente em tais como vejo os outros. Algumas vizinhos podem possibilitar mostrar isso por “estoicismo”.

All of these authors attempt to distance the philosophical meaning of "Stoic"—even in a modern setting—from the common English word "stoic," indicating someone who goes through life with a stiff upper lip, so to speak. While there are commonalities between "Stoic" and "stoic," for instance the emphasis on endurance, the latter is a diminutive version of the former, and the two should accordingly be kept distinct.

, and later critics included Pascal. In part in order to preempt such reactions, according to Sellars, one of the Neostoic texts began with the following cautious endorsement: “philosophie in generall is profitable unto a Christian man, if it be well and rightly used: but pelo kinde of philosophie is more profitable and neerer approaching unto Christianitie than the philosophie of the Stoicks.

Para Diógenes Laerecio la virtud supone vivir do acuerdo con la naturaleza que en elcaso del hombre se entiende tais como una vida conforme a la razón ya de que el hombre es un ser racional que tiene el privilegio por conocer las leyes naturales ya aceptarlas concientemente. El hombre es pues libre para poder cambiar su actitud interior.

) The philosophers in question, including the Stoic Diogenes of Babylon, made a huge impression on the Roman public with their public performances (and, apparently, an equally worrisome one on the Roman elite, thus beginning a long tradition of tension between philosophers and high-level politicians that characterized especially the post-Republican empire), paving the road for the later shift of philosophy from Athens to Rome, as well as other centers of learning, like Alexandria.

The early Stoics could also be stubbornly anti-empirical in their apologetics of Zeno’s writings, as when Chrysippus insisted in defending the idea that the heart, not the brain, is the seat of intelligence.

Hay qual tener en cuenta que son tradiciones de que perviven varios siglos y qual van cambiando (A cerca de todo por influencia del neoplatonismo, saiba como le ocurre también al cristianismo en la misma época).

The Stoics realized that we have automatic responses that are not under our control, and that is why they focused on what is under our control: the judgment rendered on the likely causes of our instinctive reactions, a judgment rendered by what Marcus Aurelius called the ruling faculty (in modern cognitive science terminology: the executive function of the brain).

When it comes more specifically to Stoicism, new scholarly works and translations of classics, as well as biographies of prominent Stoics, keep appearing at a sustained rate. Examples include the superb Cambridge Companion to the Stoics

It may very well be that these latter things are not to be comprehended by the human mind, and even if one assumes that they are perfectly comprehensible, well what profit comes from comprehending them? And ought we not to say that those men trouble in vain who assign all this as necessary to the philosopher’s system of thought? [...] What Nature is, and how she administers the universe, and whether she really exists or not, these are questions about which there is no need to go on to bother ourselves” (Fragments 1). Please remember that for the Stoics outros detalhes “nature” was synonymous with “god.”

as a goal, achieved most of all through the avoidance of pain, which meant especially to withdraw from social and political life. It was good, for Epicurus, to cultivate your close friendships, but attempting to play a full role in the polis

Tampoco fomenta la pasividad, la idea es de que apenaslo los que han cultivado virtud y autocontrol en sí mismos pueden propiciar cambios positivos en los demás.

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